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How to ace an interview

The importance of preparing for a job interview cannot be overemphasized. It helps you show the best of yourself while building your self-confidence.

Recruiters often test candidates, their seriousness and their knowledge of the company to gauge their level of interest in the position and the company. Careful training proves that you take the job seriously.
For a relatively simple interview, half a day of preparation can suffice. But, for more advanced functions where you have to go deeper, it is better to plan a whole day.

Here are 4 tips from our interview guide to help you prepare successfully:

Do extensive research on the company. 
Indeed, the first thing to do is to visit the website and the social networks of the company. Do not forget to check the home page, the "About Us" section and the company's products and services pages.

Identify how your skills and experience match the job description. 
During the interview, it will make it easier for the recruiter to find that your profile matches the job.

Do a mock interview with a friend.
Exercising yourself out with a friend will save you from hesitation when the time comes and allow you to present your ideas clearly and concisely.

Prepare interesting questions to set you apart from others. 
Recruiters are usually impressed by motivated candidates who have made the effort to prepare for their interview thoroughly.