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Some of our career advices
How to ace an interview

The importance of preparing for a job interview can not be overemphasized. It helps you show the best of yourself, while building your self-confidence.Recruiters often test candidates, their seriousness and their knowledge of the company to gauge their level of interest in the position and the company. Careful training proves that you take the job seriously.For a relatively simple interview, half a day of preparation can suffice. But, for more advanced functions where you have to go deeper, it is better to plan a whole day.

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Frequently asked interview questions

During job interviews, some of the questions come up regularly, in one form or another, so be sure to prepare adequate answers.However, even if you can predict what you are going to say during the interview with the best of intentions, do not overdo it at the risk of not appearing natural.
Tips to write an effective resume

Never forget that the resume is the first impression you give to the employer.Standing out from the crowd by effectively showing what makes you talented can mean the difference between getting an interview and missing the perfect job.Learning what recruiters are looking for in a resume and how to effectively present your skills and experiences is useful knowledge, which can ensure you successful job searches throughout your career.

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What to do post job interview

You have perfected your resume, submitted a flawless application, and survived a job interview. You did everything you could. What to do now ? Many candidates are simply waiting for the company to recontact them, believing that nothing more will increase their chances of landing the job. However, follow-up after a job interview is an important element that will allow you to stand out from other candidates.The moments following the job interview are crucial, a balance must be struck between persistence and harassment. By staying professional, tenacious and enthusiastic, take the lead because, finely articulated, a good recovery can weigh in the balance.
Effective use of Social Network

At a time when social networks are playing an increasingly important role in the private and professional life, we must be attentive to the influence of our digital image on our career and our job search.More than one employer in two conducts research on social networks before submitting an offer to a candidate. These “searches” could even influence their desire to welcome a candidate – or not – for an interview. How can you use the full potential of social networks to change your career without your presence on the internet having a negative impact on your job search?

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