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Tips to write an effective resume

Never forget that your resume is the first impression you give to the employer. Standing out from the crowd by effectively showcasing what makes you talented can mean the difference between getting an interview and missing the perfect job.
Learning what recruiters are looking for in a resume and how to effectively present your skills and experiences is useful knowledge, which can ensure you successful job searches throughout your career.
What size for your resume?
Your resume will inevitably grow in the course of your career ,as and when you gain experience. Therefore, you will not necessarily have to present your first experiences, especially if they are not relevant to the job you are applying for.
It is important to present the complete history of your career and you should be able to explain the periods during which you were not working.
However, once you're well advanced in your career, you can take away the details of your first jobs and stay focused on your most recent and
important jobs.“
Do you want to share your personal information?
You can give some information about your hobbies but never forget that the employer is looking for elements relevant for the job. Evoke recreation that could underpin your skills. With this information, you should seek to please the recruiter a little more and to show your personality a little. 
A direct relation between leisure and the job is not important. Leadership or independence qualities will always be appreciated.
Should your references be included in your resume?
You can integrate your references to your CV but it is not essential. Before offering you a job, your new employer will want to check your professional background by contacting your references. You can make the process simple by mentioning your former colleagues who would agree to be contacted.
It's necessary to speak with your references upstream and check if they are comfortable to be contacted before releasing their details. Even if the relationships with your referrals are good, you should always have their acknowledgement before disseminating their information. “
Do you have to insert a photo in your CV?
Although it is becoming more and more common to include a photo however some employers may be put off. Rather than a photo on your resume, put a professional photograph on your LinkedIn profile. Recruiters usually check your presence on professional networks, it can even be part of the recruitment process. It is, therefore, a more appropriate place to present your true self.
Do you need to fill in your professional email address in your CV?
Unless the situation is clear with your current employer, you should avoid using your professional address in your CV. If you use Hotmail or similar mailboxes, make sure you have an appropriate address for business use. If not, create a new account with more suitable alias.
Do you have to include a cover letter?
Cover letters can be very useful but must be tailored to the position you have applied for. A generic letter may be easy to send, but information specific to a job will give a stronger impression. When you decide to submit a cover letter, make sure it shows exactly why you want this job and send it directly to the recruiter.